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Rauhanlinna Mansion - the most romantic monument of architecture of the 20th century
Савонлинна Раухалинна
Усадьба Раухалинна Савонлинна
Савонлинна Раухалинна
Усадьба Раухалинна Савонлинна
Rauhanlinna is located in the small Finnish village of Lehtinie i, 16 km from Savonlinna.
In 1900, the imperial army general Niels-Henrik Vekman presented Raukhalinna to his wife Alma on the day of the silver wedding.
The pearl of the estate is considered - a villa that combines several architectural styles.
Stained-glass windows, fireplaces, carved balconies, open terraces, the best masters of that time worked on its creation.
The estate is striking in its luxury and grandeur. From the upper floors of the villa offers amazing views of the alley, pier and Lake Saimaa.
A worthy setting for this pearl is a picturesque park broken around.
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