Savonlinna can be reached by car, taxi, regular bus, train or plane.
Savonlinna city situated 310 km from St. Petersburg, 430 from Petrozavodsk and 1030 km from Moscow.
We will arrange a convenient way for you travel to your destination.
By car
Departing from St. Petersburg or Moscow by car to Savonlinna, the border crossing is carried out through:
Lingonberry checkpoint - Nuijamaa
Svetorogsk - Imatra
Go along the road no. 6 towards Joensuu in Särkisalmi, turn onto the road no. 14. Continuing along Savonlinnatie, through the famous Punkaharju ridge, after 54 km You in Savonlinna.
By train
From Moscow and St. Petersburg to Savonlinna, the train goes through the Vainikkala border station. When you reach Kouvola station in Finland, take the Helsinki-Joensuu domestic train to Parikkala station. From Parikkala the train will take you to Savonlinna.
Trains Allegro (St. Petersburg - Helsinki) and Lev Tolstoy (Moscow - Helsinki) runs daily.
By plane
Currently, there are two flights from Helsinki to Savonlinna every day except weekends: at 8.05 am and at 17.30 pm, and back from Savonlinna to Helsinki at 06:00 and 14:05.
You can ask a question by phone +7 (958) 772-02-21, + 358 41 795 1197
or filling out contact form below: