Enonkoski is located in the north, 30 km from Savonlinna and it has a population of about 1.7 thousand people.
Historical facts:
Enonkoski did not have a church for a long time. Parishioners were forced to go on a service in Kerimäki. Church boats served as a transport. Once in 1858 a tragic incident occurred on Lake Superior Enonvesi. A boat with 8 people in it crashed and sank. After the accident a Russian businessman, owner of a sawmill and a glass factory, decided to build a church for Enonkoski. The church in Enonkoski was erected in 1886 according to the project of M. Schjerfbeck. Cross on the church has been located towards the lake in memory of the tragedy. According to the main church canons it is customary to unfold the cross towards the main entrance to the temple. Inside the church is the organ of the famous Finnish company Matti Porthanin. The altar was painted by Albert Moliis in 1900.